Securing Image Permissions for Our Programming Workshop Posters with DFRobot’s Support / DF Robot社よりmicro maqueen製品画像の使用許可をいただく



と気づき早速製造元のDF Robot社に連絡を入れてみました。連絡先はこちらに記載されているストアサポートのメールアドレスです。


Dear DF Robot Team,

My name is Kichinosuke Fukuhara, and I am organizing a free programming workshop at our local library. We plan to use the following product in the workshop:

I am writing to request permission to use an image of this product in our promotional materials, such as posters. I have attached a photo that conveys the spirit of the workshop, and for your reference, my organization’s website is:


Please let me know if there are any conditions or requirements for using the image.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,


Dear Kichinosuke Fukuhara,

Thank you for your interest in our Maqueen robots.

Regarding your request to use the Maqueen Robot photo, we are pleased to grant permission. However, we kindly request that you credit DFRobot as the source of the image.

If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know.

Best Regards,
DFRobot Team


Dear Kichinosuke Fukuhara,

Good afternoon!
We don’t have a specific format, and you’re free to use one.


Best Regards,
DFRobot Team


  • micro maqueenの画像使用許可はサポートサイトに記載のメールアドレス向けに利用許可のお願いメールを送ると良い
  • DF Robotのサポートは優しくスピーディーに対応してくれる
  • お願いに”kindly”とつけると優しいニュアンスを与えることを学んだ

というわけで、DF Robotさんいつもありがとうございます!
